It was a week for sure....
First, a Phoebe update -
For those of you who missed our updates - Phoebe wasn't feeling great last week. I had separated her from the rest of the critters in case she was contagious. We came home on Friday evening to find she had developed a very large abscess on her face. We went to the emergency vet to get her fixed up and now she is doing just great - taking her antibiotics - not thrilled about it but trying to be good and off the pain meds. I took off her e-collar this morning and she is much happier to have freedom of movement. I offered her the choice of heading back into critter land but she hasn't taken me up on the offer so far. She is enjoying her alone time and I am okay with her hanging out by herself til she is 100%. Her abscess site looks good. There is a bit of residual swelling, not all that unexpected, but it is cool to the touch and pain free. We have been doing a warm compress a few times a day to keep things moving but the drainage has pretty much stopped. Her appetite is back, her energy levels are back and you can tell she is feeling so much better. Thank goodness.

This past week also had Halloween and Fiona and Bash-ys third birthdays. Pups and piglet are all doing great. They were pretty good sports about dressing up. They have been enjoying the fall weather and spending a good bit of time outside. As for the rest of the little critter gang... Violet continues to do well, as do the other ferrets. Everyone seems pretty happy and healthy. Oliver and Aggie are both going strong - feeling good. No complaints with the little ones.
Hopefully next week we can get things back to normal with Phoebe. When you have lots of critters - I find that the regular routine makes life a whole lot easier.