In 2019 we experienced some losses - our sweet Agatha kitty passed at the ripe old age of 23. She is missed greatly:

We also lost our Emma dog - she would have been 17 on her next birthday. This one is still new and difficult to think about as her passing was on the 23rd of December:
We were also fortunate to experience a somewhat status quo year for our other critters which is nothing to take for granted given that some of them are getting up there in age.
Miss Madison - our eldest ferret. She turned 8 years old this year which is quite old for a ferret. While she does have adrenal disease it is well controlled with a implant under her skin. She has a bit of hind leg weakness but it doesn't slow her down one bit. She is always first in line for a meal and is quite active and happy for a little old lady:
Theo - my eldest male ferret - he turns 7 years old on January 6. He is in exceptional health and a sweet and mellow boy. He is the patriarch of the group of ferrets, always looking after anyone who is unwell:

Violet - my lovely girl who has both adrenal and insulinoma (low blood sugar). She is on medication two times a day for the blood sugar issues and has the adrenal implant and we are quite fortunate that she has been very stable all year. We work hard to keep her blood sugar steady throughout the day (and night) and we have settled into a great routine. I hope 2020 goes as well for my girl - she also turns 7 on January 6.

Kai - my ornery boy - even at 6 years old he is a pistol. I love his enthusiastic kisses and his desperate need to try to remove your toenails. He is such fun, always ready for a wrestle or a cuddle or both. Life is an adventure with this boy around:

Tabby - my elusive and somewhat aloof girl Tabitha. She is Miss Independent - has little need for humans but is quite attached to each of her ferret siblings. Tabby is sweet and gentle but is much more geared to the critter side of life. The only exception was earlier this year when she had a bit of a respiratory bug. She wanted her mom and I was happy to oblige. Once she felt better - she was done with me:

Bash - my baby boy - he is going to be five this year. Bash is a big guy but is quite shy and a bit fearful of new things and loud noises. He is very affectionate and loves to play. He is attached to his brothers and the three of them are often found cuddled up together, snoozing their days away:

Fiona - my youngest girl. She is the mellowest of the ferrets, loves to be held, is very affectionate and is determined to make a jail break from her area every time I enter. Fiona is always good for a kiss and is quite content to be carried around while I complete all my critterly duties:

I do adore this little group of ferrets and hope that 2020 is a great year for each of them.
Phoebe - our lone kitty. She and Aggie were not particularly close and she has adjusted well to being an only feline. Her health is good - just a touch of hyperthyroid - she has been on the same dose of the medication for years and is doing well for a kitty who will turn 15 this year.

Then we have the three pups. I am so thankful for them as they have distracted us from the heartbreak of losing Emma. These three keep us on our toes. We have the instigator - Charli, the protector - Tango and the pleaser - Juliett. It's fascinating how three siblings from the same litter can be so different. We love these three and can't imagine our days without them:

And last - but most definitely not least - our Winston. He is 5 years old and such a character. He continues to mellow out as he gets older and we are fortunate that he is a pretty well behaved pig. He is constantly learning new things - his big accomplishment this year was learning to let me file his tusks with a dremel like tool (only quieter). It didn't take long for him to figure out what we were asking and while he doesn't like it much - he is good about letting me work on his tusks. He also lets me use the file on his hooves which is new as well.

All in all our 2019 was good - we are blessed to share our world with these amazing critters. While our hearts hurt with the loss of Aggie and Emma we were so fortunate to have had them with us for well longer than the normal kitty and pup life expectancy. I'm sure our 2020 will be filled with many more critter adventures that we can't wait to share.
Happy New Year from our Zoo Crew to you!