A Day in the Life of a Zookeeper

A Day in the Life of a Zookeeper
Ever wonder what its like to share your world with a bunch of crazy critters? Tune in to find out!

Saturday, September 06, 2014

Saturday Stories

Raisins!!  They might be the key to potty training.  We tried raisins before and he didn't care for them but evidently his palate has evolved since then.  Since the raisins came out and they have only ever been given when he is in the litter box - he associates them with going potty I think.  Its good stuff - no misses since that started.  Fingers crossed....

Duct Tape Breech....I couldn't figure out how Violet made it into Winston's pen and bed last night. We had a duct tape breech.  You see - the ferrets were crawling behind the dresser so I covered the space between the wall and the dresser with tape.  Its been about a month and they finally scratched their way through the tape - reinforcements have been added.

Flea and tick - its that time again - Frontline for the ferrets and the kitties.  Made me a tiny bit sad that I have nine vials of medicine and only 8 little furries to apply it to.  I miss you Clooney - more than you could ever know....  Fun Fact - pigs don't typically get fleas so no treatment necessary for Winston.  Emma has her Seresto Collar that lasts for 8 months so she is good to go.

Feeding Cabinets- Today I am on the hunt for feeding cabinets for the kitties and the dog.  If I can find these then I can take the final gates down in the lower level - blocking only the steps.  Woohoo!  I am thinking a feeding cabinet for the dog with doors I can open when its time for her to eat and when Winston is not around and then using the surface of the top of the cabinet for the kitties food. They can easily hop up to get their dinner.  The ferrets will have an upstairs feeder that will sit behind the TV cabinet where they can get to it but the dog and the pig cannot....wish me luck...

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