A Day in the Life of a Zookeeper

A Day in the Life of a Zookeeper
Ever wonder what its like to share your world with a bunch of crazy critters? Tune in to find out!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A Look Back at March

Wow - I can't believe its the last day of March.  Time really does just fly by you know?  Looking back at March from a critter perspective - it was a great month!

We went into March with confirmation that everyone is happy and healthy - vet visits were completed in late February and everyone passed with flying colors.  Winston had outside time at my mom's, Emma walked 100+ miles with her humans, the kitties had a good month with Ollie and Zoey adjusting well to their new dosage of thyroid meds.

Winston also learned a couple of new tricks - he can play his xylophone, go through the agility tunnel and go through a hoop now in addition to sit, up, speak and around in a circle.  We continue to try to build out his repertoire.

And lastly - but certainly the most exciting part of March was the addition of Bash and Fiona to our little ferret brood.  They have made lovely additions and fit in perfectly with the rest of the gang. Speaking of the rest of the gang - everyone is doing just fantastic.  They are all bright, active, FULL of energy, great appetites and very engaged.  I am quite pleased with how everyone is doing.  So far - no signs of the dreaded ECE (a virus that can be brought in by the new babies as carriers).  Madison was a carrier years ago and gave it to Clooney - she would not be susceptible if they babies should have it.  I am guessing we are good to go but the incubation period is 21 days so we have a bit of time to wait to be sure. We are only 5 days in to having the new little ones even though it seems like they have been here forever.

So - all in all March was fantastic!  Here's to a healthy, happy and fun April for my furries....

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