One year ago today we made the difficult decision to send our sweet baby ferret Harlow over the rainbow bridge. At the one year mark the hurt is still present. With Clooney - his life was long and full and I hated losing him but I was prepared somewhat for his passing. Losing Finn broke my heart but then Bash cam into our lives and while he is not a replacement he has so many similar traits that I feel like I get to remember Finn through him somehow. Harlow was so young and I was so bonded with her after providing round the clock care that losing her left a giant void that has yet to heal over. I think of her every day and miss her desperately.
I know in my heart that letting her go was the kindest thing we could have done for her - she was so sick at the end. If there was anything I could have done to keep her with me I would have but unfortunately the disease (FIP) won out. So - today - like every day I remember her with such love and a full heart.
I bet she is running a playing with her brothers and sisters at the rainbow bridge - visited often by my dad,.... I love you Harlow girl and I miss you more than you ever could imagine....
A picture from her first day with us |
Her favorite place to be - with her siblings - she is top left |
With her litter mates Kai and Tabitha |