A Day in the Life of a Zookeeper

A Day in the Life of a Zookeeper
Ever wonder what its like to share your world with a bunch of crazy critters? Tune in to find out!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Make a Plan

Its days like today that make me want to plan, and cry, and plan some more.  My thoughts are with the people of Oklahoma.  There are sure to be reports of loss of life.  Many reports already coming in about the loss of critters which I find equally as heartbreaking.

My reaction to such things is to plan.  When the earthquake/tsunami happened in Japan - I created critter kits....one for each car and one for the house.  It has food, water, supplies, meds, first aid, etc for the critters.  I put some human stuff in there as well.  The hubs and I also established a meeting place should we not be able to reach each other for whatever reason and we need to evacuate our house.

Today with the tornado happening I think about what we would do.  I always gather the critters in one room if its stormy - usually that is our bedroom which is not the best place in the house but if the weather is not that severe its the most comfortable.  I fill the tub so we have extra water should we need it and we have a stash of flash lights, batteries, weather radio, etc available.

A couple of years ago a tornado hit just a bit down the road.  Tornado warnings result in me gathering the critters into the bathroom downstairs.  This is somewhat comical because the bathroom is tiny and me and 10 critters are not at all the comfy in there.  The little ones get put in their carriers which I keep close by.  The babies and Madison in one, Clooney in another and Nigel in his.  I also keep a bungee cord in one of the carriers - I thread it through the carrier handles and wrap it around the pedestal sink - securing the carriers to something other than me in case I lose my grip.  Emma gets a leash on as well which gets tied to me.  We have harnesses for each of  the kitties - ones that velcro around them with a long leash that is threaded through all four harnesses - they will be tied to me and to the dog as well.  So - just imagine me - emerging from the rubble of our house with 3 carriers and four cats and a dog tied to my body.  It brings new meaning to safety in numbers. I have timed myself - I can get the cats, dog and hedgehog into harnesses/carriers and set up in the bathroom in about 2.5 minutes.  The ferrets are tougher because they sleep so soundly and sometimes don't come when they are called.  They also don't always sleep in the same places.  We work on this every day - them learning their names and coming when called.  Madison and Clooney are pretty good.  Finn is learning.  Violet is getting there but has room for improvement.

We also have a fire plan. We have a ladder we can pitch out the bedroom window.  We have carriers upstairs as well - ferrets in one, hedgehog in one, 2 cats in each and Emma lifted out.  We have an extinguisher upstairs and down.  We have smoke detectors in attic, 2 locations up and 2  locations down.  We have carbon monoxide detectors in the attic, up and down.  We have pet rescue symbols on both the front and back of the house with the count of critter inside.  This will tell the fireman how many to look for.  We also have extensive critter information on file with our security company - they have the types, names and primary locations of all of the critters so they can relay that info to the firefighters.  We are also working on getting the critters to do what they are told with the smoke detector or alarm going off - that is interesting but its getting better.  The last thing you want is your furries hiding because they are scared of the alarm - so we suffer through the test cycle of the alarm and call them and give them treats when they come.  Practice, practice, practice.

I think we are about as prepared as we can be.  I hope we never have a need to use these plans but if we should - I want to have them be routine - so we just kick into action without having to think about it.  Be safe - make a plan...no time like the present!!!

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