Back to Friday morning - after I dropped off Em I got Winston into his harness. We have figured out a pretty good way to get him to put it on - I lay it out on the floor and then strategically position the piglet - then scratch his belly which makes him flop on his side. Then I wrap the harness around him and latch it - and voila he is good to go. He was very cooperative about going outside and down the stairs. He went potty on command in the flower bed and then only made a minor ruckus getting in the car. On the way there he was fantastic - for the first time ever - no accident in the car. Once we got out of the car at the vet he went potty outside again - hooray! Then the trouble started - he was very unsure of going into a strange building. After much trying the hubs just picked him up and carried him in which piglet loudly protested about. We got him on the scale and wowser - he weighed in at a whopping 47 pounds. Much heavier than we thought but he is really not much bigger. I still think he is a great size - not too big - certainly not Esther size (we love you Esther the Wonder Pig)! His physical went fantastic - here are the notes the vet made in his file: 'Winston looked good at his physical exam! I can still hear a heart murmur, but it is much quieter than it was when I first met him. He is not showing any symptoms of heart disease, and he is obviously thriving! He received his rabies vaccination while he was here as well.'
Monday morning I went to pick the piggy up - he got in his harness with no loud complaining and was very patient while we checked out. He did great going out of the building and making our way to the car with a potty stop along the way. Only moderate complaining getting in the car. Then we headed over to pick up Emma....we got her scooped up and made our way home. Winston got out of the car by himself - another first and was quite cooperative making his way into the house. I think he is getting the hang of this whole harness/walking thing....
I am super happy to be home and to have my little gang back together again!
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