A Day in the Life of a Zookeeper

A Day in the Life of a Zookeeper
Ever wonder what its like to share your world with a bunch of crazy critters? Tune in to find out!

Friday, October 06, 2017

Too Long Since My Last Post

Holy heck it's been crazy busy around here lately.  Work is jam packed, life is jam packed, critters are keeping me busy... it's all good!  Crazy - but good none the less.

Since I have been slacking...looking back to September we had a great critter month.  Puppies turned 1.  Everyone's healthy and Violet is super stable!

I have two critter updates to share since October kicked off.  First, I made a small surgical modification to critter land. 

Tah dah!  It's a pass through for the ferrets from my office into the critter bedroom.  The kitties rarely used my office so they are content with just their "suite".  The ferrets have access to both rooms.  This means my hallway is free and clear!  Less to clean and less chance of critter jail breaks.

Speaking of jailbreaks...ugh.  I was in a full on panic last Monday when I couldn't find Theo anywhere.  I was convinced he had somehow gotten out and we had doors wide open the night before as we entertained.  I went to tell the hubs who knew immediately I was freaked.  He came to help me look.  After about 15 minutes of searching we found the little stinker in the top drawer of the bathroom vanity.  He crawled up the trash bag, onto the counter, into the barely open drawer which closed trapping him in.  Little white turd.  He was happy to be rescued and I was so relieved.  It's never more clear how much you love them until they are missing or sick.  He is perfectly fine, no worse for the wear.

The rest of the gang is doing fab!  We will have a house full of visitors this coming week so everyone will get lots of attention!!  I will try to post some fun snaps if nothing else.  Happy Friday!

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