A Day in the Life of a Zookeeper

A Day in the Life of a Zookeeper
Ever wonder what its like to share your world with a bunch of crazy critters? Tune in to find out!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Outside Critter Updates

Lizards and birds and bunnies - oh my!

The baby lizards - I think there are four but its hard to tell - are really growing.  We also have another adult lizard - he is green and tame and he lives in the bushes I think.

The house finches are firmly planted in the ivy by the garage - they have had 2 sets of babies this summer.  The robins are definitely around but I have never seen their nest.  They did have 1 set of babies - 4 little ones that I found in the yard when they flew the nest.  Red headed wood peckers and cardinals are still living in the trees behind the house.

Bunnies - wow - we have had a bumper thumper year around here.  Not many days go by that there are not several bunnies munching in the grass.  They are cute and fairly tame - I can take the dog out on the leash and they don't feel compelled to hop away.

I think that's it for outside critter updates....

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