A Day in the Life of a Zookeeper

A Day in the Life of a Zookeeper
Ever wonder what its like to share your world with a bunch of crazy critters? Tune in to find out!

Saturday, October 05, 2013

The Latest Shenanigans

The critters are always learning new "tricks" and into new, undiscovered things and places.  Some of them are frustrating and some of them amusing.  Here's the latest new things they have started doing:

Theo - he is the largest and the longest ferret - meaning he is tall enough to reach you when you sit on the potty...his new trick is to nip you on the butt while you are doing your business.  That will give you a little jolt - especially when you make that middle of the night visit in the dark and you don't know that he is up...

Finn - he has decided that the hubs shoes are the bees knees so he hoards them - under the bed, into the bathroom, one in the closet and one down the hall.  He thinks its fun - the hubs - well not so much when he needs them to leave for work and they are no where to be found.

Violet - first she has discovered that she loves potato chips - so one much guard the bag or she will break in and make a ginormous mess.  She also has started investigating the cat tree.  She likes to climb up to the tippy top and survey the lay of the land.

Clooney - his latest thing is sleeping in our room which I LOVE.  Used to be that he would come in our room in the early morning and sleep on the bed.  Then he would eat, get his stick and ferretone and head into Nigels room to spend the bulk of the day sleeping in various spots.  Lately he come in during the early mornings and spends the day.  Some of the time sleeping in the green basket, some time in Emma's bed and some time on our bed.  I love seeing him and being able to interact with him all day.

Maddie - her latest thing is sleeping downstairs under the cabinet in the laundry room.  She has been spending more time downstairs lately - not sure why.  It does give her the opportunity to engage the ferrets and kitties when they go downstairs to play.

Nigel - his new thing is relocating his food bowl - he likes his cage set up the same way every time I clean it but for the last couple of weeks he has been moving his bowl.  Not sure why - maybe its not even him - Clooney has been known to squat in there.

No new tricks to report for Emma - I guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks!! :)

As for the kitties - not a lot of new shenanigans to report for them either - they are pretty go with the flow these days.  Phoebe does continue to test her boundaries.  She never used to get in trouble and now she kind tries to find it.

They definitely  keep our household fun and ever changing....

BTW - have I mentioned lately that I can't wait til we have a farm with teacup piggies - I bet they have cute shenanigans!

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