A Day in the Life of a Zookeeper

A Day in the Life of a Zookeeper
Ever wonder what its like to share your world with a bunch of crazy critters? Tune in to find out!

Saturday, April 01, 2017

March Look Back and April Plans

Wow - March was a whirlwind and an epic fail in regards to posting.  My goal was 15 posts - I did a whopping 8.  Ugh.  Things are incredibly busy with puppies and work and travel and spring cleaning and projects - whew!  I am finding it tough to fit everything in.

Looking back a March - it was a great month for the zoo.  First off - we got the little pups fixed which is important for their health and prevention of little inbred puppies.  They did great and are fully recovered.  We finally got Violet's glucose number where it was supposed to be.  Woot!!  And.. our Emma dog turned 14.  Holy Moly!  Winston is doing amazing - we started him on a new food that is a special formula for "mini pigs" and he is really doing well.  I have noticed changes in his skin, his allergies (not nearly as severe) and his demeanor - he is a pretty chilled out pig since we changed. Ferrets are all doing so well - I am quite please.  Oliver is doing great on the weight front - he is no longer skin and bones and I think he is feeling good.  Aggie and Phoebe are both doing fantastic as well.  I am very happy with the state of the zoo at this moment.

Looking forward to April - puppies need their summer haircuts - I have sent an appointment request off to the mobile groomer so they can get their haircuts at home where it will be much less stressful. Violet will go in for a glucose check just to make sure that good number is holding.  We have lots of of outside projects so I am guessing the gang will spend lots of time outdoors over the next month. We will likely do a critter Easter celebration as well.  Shooting for 15 posts this month - maybe I will actually make it....

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