A Day in the Life of a Zookeeper

A Day in the Life of a Zookeeper
Ever wonder what its like to share your world with a bunch of crazy critters? Tune in to find out!

Friday, April 26, 2013

The Unexpected Dangers

Wow - last night had scary moments of critter panic - really not my favorite.  The hubs and I had an evening out and upon our return I opened the front door and much to my distress I found that Emma had kicked up the vent cover on the floor by the door.  This left a gaping hole with access to all the ventilation in our house - a perfect place for ferrets to go exploring.  I freaked out.  The first thing I asked my husband was if they could get outside from the vents.  He was pretty sure they could not.  I called for the ferrets and almost immediately Madison came out.  Whew - one down - three to go.  I continued to call and headed upstairs to look for them.  The babies were not in their regular spots - more panic.  I called some more for Violet, Finn and Clooney - nothing.  I headed back downstairs and the hubs came upstairs - he hollered down that he had found Finnegan.  Okay - 2 down - feeling better.  More calling - finally Violet came out of the dining room.  3 down.  Feeling pretty good now.  I was pretty certain that Clooney was not in the vent but I still wanted to get my hands on him.  I found him sleeping under the bed in our room.  Crises averted.  I know it was Emma who kicked up the vent - she has done this once before.  I had stuck the vent cover down  with industrial strength double sided tape....evidently not industrial enough.  You see, the FedEx man came - and she barked like a maniac and kicked up the vent cover.  I am trying not to be mad at her but if I am being honest I kind of am.  The thought of something happening to the ferrets (or any of my critters) makes me sick to my stomach.  Of course she will be forgiven - it will just take me a second.  Needless to say - a trip to Home Depot is in my future tomorrow so I can get the vent cover that screws down to the floor.  I think I may also staple in a piece of screen down in the hole so that if for some reason the cover is off there is still a barrier to keep them safe.

As if that little episode wasn't stressful enough I went upstairs and walked into the bathroom to find the floor full of water.  I think what happened is that one of the ferrets (probably Finn) got up on the tub deck, played with a towel hanging on a hook, pulled it off where it landed in the water bowl and proceeded to wick all of the water out of the bowl and onto the floor.  There was a good bit of water there - the towel was sopping wet, the rug as well and puddles, puddles everywhere.  UGH.  Wet cleanup!!!  So - we got that resolved as well and proceeded to try to de-stress enough to head to bed.

I am so relieved everyone is safe and sound - we got so lucky!

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