A Day in the Life of a Zookeeper

A Day in the Life of a Zookeeper
Ever wonder what its like to share your world with a bunch of crazy critters? Tune in to find out!

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

What's New @ the Zoo?

How about some general updates - we haven't done that for a bit:

Lets start with miss Emma - she is doing well!!  I think she loves having a pig.  I have noticed that some of her neurotic behaviors have decreased since Winston joined our family.  Even though he annoys her at times I think she loves him and he most definitely loves her.  We are feeling more and more comfortable leaving the two of them alone together.  They are learning each other's boundaries and can often be found playing together.

The Ferrets - in general - they are adjusting quite well to the new routine we have with them being upstairs during their downtime.  No one seems to mind it much and it keeps the boy ferrets from having unpleasant interactions with the piggy.

Violet is just great.  She is by far the most interactive with Winston - I would almost call them friends and while I wouldn't on purpose leave them unattended it would not be a huge issue if it happened.  They have figured each other out for sure. She has found her way into Winston's covers several times - not sure what that's about....  Violet seems quite healthy and happy and is quite playful with her humans....

Finn is my happy and sweet boy and he is doing great.  Things between he and the pig are improving slowly - they are much slower to escalate than Winston and Theo.  He can often interface with Winston now for a good bit of time - 45 mins before he gets so excited that pig rodeo starts.  I have hope that in a few months when Winston is a bit bigger and Finn is more and more used to him they will be all good.

Madison - my sweet, sweet and joyful girl.  As always she is full of cuddles and kisses.  Like Violet - she does well with Winston - they are not quite as friendly but close.  I can let them interface without much risk of escalation.  Maddie is great - happy, healthy and fully engaged.

Theo is my all boy all the time.  He is full of mischief, affection and loves to find trouble.  I think things between he and Winston are improving as well - but we have a long way to go.  With him it totally depends on the day - some days he is not particularly interested and some days it takes him 2 seconds to bite on the pig.  In general he is just great - full of happiness and orneriness and always good for some lovies with his humans.

The Kitties -  in general - the kitties are well!  Everyone seems happy and content.  I am pleased with how they are doing.  Everyone seems to be in good health which is just how I like it.

Oliver - he is trying to figure out the pig - Winston loves him but sometimes the piglet is a bit rougher than Oliver would like.  This results in head bonking and biting.  For the most part they are good though.  Oliver has been less into trouble these days - the orneriness factor has gone down a notch or two.

Zoey - my snarly girl is doing great - her health seems quite good and she has been hanging out with me quite a bit lately.  She has no love for the piglet and pretty much avoids him.  She will tolerate sharing the water dish so long as Winston doesn't get too close.

Phoebe is going through a rebellious phase - pushing the limits and getting into trouble - little turkey. Her health seems to be good and she seems to be a happy.  Not sure what has her pushing my buttons but I hope this phase passes quickly.  She is still BFFs with Oliver and still not BFFs even remotely with Aggie.

Speaking of Aggie - my eldest girl is fab.  She is quite happy and very healthy and in complete denial that we have acquired a pig.  She sure seems content and is engaged with the critters and with the humans.  I am quite pleased.

Which brings us to Winston - that little pig has stolen our hearts.  He is such a great addition to the zoo.  He is doing just great - growing and learning each day.  He is very much a creature of habit - he likes his schedule to be the same each day.  He is good about putting himself to bed and he gets up at the same time every day.  Sadly for me it much earlier than I want to get up...  In the last week he has decided that he likes raisins, that he can do both up and down the stairs, that he is tolerating starting to let me put his harness on and that he has almost completely forgotten where he is supposed to go potty.

And lastly - its been 44 days since my sweet Clooney passed.  I should be receiving his special urn in the next week or two - I can't wait to see it.  I miss him so much still and think of him every day.

So there you have it...

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