A Day in the Life of a Zookeeper

A Day in the Life of a Zookeeper
Ever wonder what its like to share your world with a bunch of crazy critters? Tune in to find out!

Saturday, August 04, 2012

Baby Gates....

Its funny to watch how differently Clooney and Madison think.  We currently have the master bedroom closet blocked off with the baby gate as it is serving as a temporary home for Mr Hedgehog.

Both ferrets spend a reasonable amount of time in the closet, sleeping and playing each day.  They are not loving that it's access is blocked.  The entertaining thing is the different way each of them approach the gate.

Clooney - aka Hercules - takes the manly approach and uses his heft and might to scale the gate and climb down the other side.  He enters and exits whenever he wants, pesters Nigel and munches on his food.  He also did a sacred cow check to ensure his favorite toy had not been disturbed.

Then there is Miss Madison.  Cute, sweet, pink nosed Madison.  She uses the cute, charming, ferret eyelash batting approach to get you to lift her over the gate.  She plays, visits Nigel, snoozes and has a nibble of food and then wants out so she stands on her back feet and looks pitiful til you pick her up and lift her over.  She has watched Clooney climb over but won't do it herself.

They are too cute...

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