A Day in the Life of a Zookeeper

A Day in the Life of a Zookeeper
Ever wonder what its like to share your world with a bunch of crazy critters? Tune in to find out!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Hedgehog Fun Facts

Here are some interesting tidbits about Nigel and other hedgies:
  • Though originally native to Africa and often referred to as the "African Pygmy," the most commonly kept hedgehogs are probably a mix of different hedgehog species and descriptively named by breeders as opposed to being classified by a true species name.
  • Hedgehogs are considered to be insectivores, relying on insects for much of their dietary needs. They are, however, opportunistic feeders who will eat almost anything they find.
  • Short, prickly spines cover a hedgehog's entire back. Also known as quills, these defensive tools are really modified, hollow hairs and are not poisonous or barbed.
  • When threatened, hedgehogs roll into a tight ball, protecting their face, eyes, limbs, and bellies.
  • If necessary, a hedgehog can run over six feet per second. In fact, many hedgehogs will attempt to escape an attacker before they roll into a protective, spiny ball.
  • Hedgehogs have very sensitive senses of smell and hearing. They can even hear in the ultrasonic range.
  • Though many people claim that hedgehogs are immune to toxins that are deadly to humans and other animals, more research is needed to verify these claims. Therefore, hedgehogs should be kept away from all poisons.
  • Hedgehogs prefer to live apart from other members of their own species, however, can form a tight bond with their human counterparts.
  • Hedgehogs prefer controlled periods of light and darkness, as well as undisturbed periods of rest.
  • Hedgehogs thrive in warm temperatures (75° to 80°F).
source:  http://www.drsfostersmith.com/pic/article.cfm?aid=1273

So - how do these fun facts measure up to Nigel?
  • He is an opportunistic feeder for sure.  He will try almost anything you offer.  Sometimes he likes and sometimes he spits it out.  His main diet is ferret food and worms.
  • He is FAST - 6 feet per second doesn't surprise me at all.  When he wants to evade being picked up to go back in his cage - he jets.
  • He does have excellent hearing but interestingly enough - he is not scared by loud noises.  Vacuum cleaners, dog barking, etc - he has no reaction.  He doesn't care much for loud thunder though.
  • Supposedly hedgehogs are immune to not only poisons but to germs from humans as well - I choose to play it safe though and ensure that he has no exposure to toxins of any kind and if any of the humans in the household are ill - he is kept clear until they are feeling better - its better to be safe than sorry.
  • Nigel doesn't really care for bright lights any time.  He doesn't get many undisturbed periods of rest - especially when out of the cage - he has 8 critter siblings who like to visit.  I think he is used to being awake multiple times during the day.
  • As for temp - I used to be so paranoid that it was too cold for him.  The reality is we keep our house around 70 degrees.  His cage has a cover to prevent drafts.  He has a heated bed so if he is feeling cold he has a warm place to snuggle up.  He always has several layers of blankets to choose from - some days he is under several layers and some days he sleeps on top.  I think giving him options and keeping the temp consistent are important.  I do have a small heater that I set up in his room should we experience cold weather - just to make sure we maintain 70 degrees.

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